The simple answer is yes. Kentucky & Ohio both hold that dog owners are "strictly" liable for any injury or any property damage caused by your dog. Dog bite claims account for more than 1/3 of all homeowners insurance claims. In 2015, the average dog bite claim was $37,214.00! That represents a 94% increase since 2003. Seventy-eight percent of fatalities attributed to dog bites can be attributed to 5 breeds: Pit bull/pit bull mix = 53.5% of all fatalities, Rottweiler/Rotweiller mix = 14%; Husky/Husky mix = 4.3%; German shepherd mix/German Shepherd mix = 4%; and Bull mastiff/Bull mastiff mix – 3%. So the questions is, does your homeowners / renters / condominium insurance cover you if you have a dog? We would encourage you to call us (or whomever your insurance agent may be) to find out if your policy covers you. This is not something that you want to wait and find out about after the it now!
#dogbites #homeownersinsurance #liabilityinsurance
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